I partner with individuals and organizations in creating the spaces where scientists flourish

Hi, I'm Ana Maria, and I am so happy you’re here. 

I have worked as a scientist for 20 years. During that time I watched too many talented, motivated people burn out of a system that they desperately wanted to remain in.

I know from personal experience that it does not have to be this way. I have been part of great labs with true mentors, camaraderie and lab citizenship.

I understand what elements make great scientists into true mentors. The value these people bring to an organization goes far beyond their scientific talent.

In 2020 I myself opted out of a research position that did not align with my values. I took this time to train as a life coach with Dr. Martha Beck and her team. Now I bring together what I know from experience-- the good, bad, and depressing-- and help create spaces for scientists to flourish. I work with individuals to help them navigate a specific and challenging situation, and I work upstream with organizations who want to retain satisfied, productive staff.

I bring together my experience as a scientist, and my experience as a coach, to

partner with individuals and organizations in creating the spaces where scientists flourish. I am in the business of joyful support!

I love the outdoors

But seriously, more things I love.

Apart from science and coaching, I love accessing the silence through meditation and nature. I love art, be it painting, music, or cooking. I love to spend time with my husband and friends. In general, I love to have people at our table and our poker game (which I still play with a cheat sheet).